Serian Sanctuary

Name: Blitz
Gender: Male
Parents/Affinity: Forest Song
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: Nip
Offspring: None
Bat-like wings folded themselves tightly against his body as his dove, his body plummeting towards the earth in a blur of crimson and turquoise. His pale white tail streamed out behind him like a banner, and his hooves were tucked neatly underneath him. He reveled in the speed- he was, by far, the fastest of his bonded family.
He was chased by three more specks speeding downward on the horizon- one purple, one light grey, and another a dark soot. They were all playing a game of sorts, displaying their aerial acrobatics... and their nerves. The rules were simple- you continued to free-fall until you felt as if you had to pull up. The contestants were as follows; Blitz in the lead, followed by Silken Ruse, Ripple and SilverRain. All were proficient fliers, and Blitz was loving the adrenaline!
The purple blur was gaining on him in a flash of colour, and he could see Silken Ruse twist mid-air, wrapping her wings about her as she twirled. She laughed aloud and Blitz grinned. He could always count on the mare for a good time; she loved a challenge.
"Eat my dust!" he crowed, as he pulled his head flat against his fore-hooves and accelerated faster towards the ground.
Ruse tried to keep up, but her large wings just simply would not obey. With a huff of distaste, she banked, flaring her wings in a graceful display. She veered off and landed a distance away, waiting for the others to finish their flight.
Ripple was the next to grudgingly admit defeat. In a flurry of sky-blue feathers, he veered off to land beside Ruse. He wasn't as much of a dare-devil as Blitz, and he wasn't willing to risk hurting himself for the title.
SilverRain, stubborn as ever, refused to budge. Mere moments away from impact, he yelped in distress and veered too late, banking squarely into a tree. The comical stallion managed to untangle himself, looking quite dishevelled, his mane and tail bedecked with branches and leaves. At least Tinsel wasn't here to see him in such a state.
With a hoot of triumph, Blitz landed amidst the stallions and mare, grinning from ear-to-ear, savouring the win.
"Now who's the better flier!" he proclaimed loudly, prancing about...
... and then Silken Ruse decked him squarely with her wing-tip, grinning widely.