Serian Sanctuary
Silken Ruse

Name: Silken Ruse
Gender: Female
Parents/Affinity: Masquerade x Vex
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
She dashed through the sunlit meadow, her fiery hair streaming out behind her like a beacon, recklessly fast, even for a filly. She trumpeted her delight and glanced behind her to see if her “sister” was still following. True to form, Gem pounded after the little mite, her hooves digging up large clumps of dirt as she attempted to keep up with Silk's wild pace.
One would think, she thought, her flanks heaving with exertion, that I’d be able to keep up with a little one only a third of my size! She’s fast though!
Silk paused briefly at the edge of the meadow where the wood met the tall grass, and trees began to dot the countryside. She grinned impishly at her self-appointed babysitter and protector before deciding to make life even more difficult for Gem. She tore off into the woods, weaving in and around in the trees, pausing every now and again to hide in the underbrush for a few moments to watch Gem search, fruitlessly, for her young charge. She giggled quietly, her voice already beginning to even out in timbre from a high-fluted infant’s voice to a mellow feminine chuckle of delight, full of intelligence, charm, and an undertone of sly humour.
With a wicked whinny of glee, she shot out between Gem’s feet, headed for the rocky outcropping in the heart of the wood. Gem let loose an exasperated snort and took off after the youngster again, hot on the pursuit.
Satisfied that Gem was still a decent length or two behind, Silk paused to evaluate the climb in front of her. The outcropping presented an undeniable challenge. She flexed her wings experimentally and frowned, slightly petulant. If only my wings were bigger! She thought. As of yet, they were still unable to hold her weight without significant effort, but she was dying to try them out. But she knew that would be too easy, and would take all the fun out of climbing the cliff herself.
She set one hoof in front of the other, fully intending on scaling the cliff immediately when Gem came to a screeching halt, loose dirt and rocks flying, in front of her. She exhaled heavily in a grunt of irritation and shoved her face squarely in front of the little filly’s, forcing Silk to look at her.
What are you thinking! she thundered, fixing the filly with her best authoritative stare. That, she gestured with her neck in an angry, jerking movement, is not a plaything! It’s dangerous!
The little filly looked at her hooves sheepishly for a moment, cowed by her sister’s ire. In mere seconds, however, her expression had altered from one of guilt to childish innocence. She batted her eyes artlessly at Gem, and looked pointedly at the cliff.
Gem, it’s not that big, she said softly, tossing the mare a winning look. I wouldn’t have hurt myself.
And you’re not that big either! The mare responded roughly, slightly mollified by the filly’s act of perceived innocence. With a gentle nudge, the mare steered the now-protesting Silk away from the cliff’s edge. The obstinate little filly kept digging her hooves in, but eventually gave in to the now-gentle promptings of her sister.