Serian Sanctuary

Name: Ripple
Gender: Male
Parents/Affinity: Arctic Winds
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: Argentflash
Offspring: None
A blur of amethyst and brilliant red went rushing by the smokey stallion as he cried out hotly in protest.
"Hey! Hey now! You two... Hey! Oh for crying out... AH!" he exclaimed, yelping as the two blundered into him, falling from the sky in a muddled jumble and blur of wings. He sidestepped the pair- they were now full out wrestling on the ground, panting from exertion. He watched them, a quizzical expression on his face.
"Don't be... such... a stick... in the mud!" yelled Ovela as she buffeted Blitz with her wings, grinning widely. Blitz squeaked and scuttled backwards as he searched for an opening. With a speed that surprised the flame-haired mare, he bolted to her side and nipped lightly at her flank. He flicked her squarely in the face with his tail and she shook her head, whinnying a challenge to the stallion.
"You'll have to move a bit faster than that chump to best me!" he said, crowing triumphantly.
Ripple stood back- way back. He preferred the roles of mediator and adjudicator- he sensed that a judge would be necessary for this event. He had never been one to enjoy the fight; confrontation was not his style. He was subdued by nature, and more serious than most, or so Talia had told him. For that reason, he made the perfect confidant and silent companion when one needed to vent, but not the greatest of wrestling-buddies. He knew everyone's secrets, but was the last to be called to a party. Yet he didn't resent this- he knew his role when it came to his bond-mates, and he was comfortable with it.
Ovela's eyes narrowed. The little stallion had speed on his side, but she most definitely was the stronger of the two. With a smug smile she hoisted herself up into the air, and used her expansive wingspan to stir up the dust in the fields. The earth and sand swirled around Blitz's face, limiting his visibility.
"You'll have to do a bit better than that Blitzy! What's the score now? A 4 to 4 tie? A tail flick and a nip is hardly worth a point!" She landed heavily behind him and pulled his tail with an impish smirk.
It was all the opening that Blitz needed. He whirled quickly and shoved off from the ground, connecting heavily with the mare's side. The two went down, yet again, and when the dust and sand cleared, Blitz had pinned the mare, her back pressed squarely against the earth.
Ripple trotted forward and cleared his throat.
"1 point to Blitz!" he declared, eyes twinkling.
The stallion grinned and let the mare up. Ovela shook her mane and tail out and glared at the two stallions. Blitz fixed her with a look and smiled.
"It seems to me that you have lost, fair Lady," he said mockingly. "So, what was that score again? 5 to..."
He was cut off abruptly as the mare silenced him with a wingtip, her expression icy. Ovela was notorious for being a sore loser.
"Don't... you... dare," she hissed. Blitz appeared to be cowed, and he looked at her sheepishly. She tossed her mane, a haughty expression on her beautifully masked face.
Ripple shrugged, and tossed Blitz and apologetic shrug. The mare Never lost.