Serian Sanctuary

Name: Flicker
Gender: Female
Parents/Affinity: Summer Storm
Special Stats: Elemental (Static)
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
They danced near the waterfront, a series of intricate movements that ripped a laugh from Flicker's throat like the gentle tinkling of bells. Oblivion remained unmoved, but only because he was usually stoic and silent, but she could tell from his expression that he enjoyed embracing his elemental magic as much as she did. His eyes twinkled ever-so-slightly, which was the clearest indicator anyone would ever received of his happiness.
She touched a hoof lightly to the edge of the water and released the vibrant edge of energy that she possessed out onto the surface of the water. Her static charge alone couldn't light up the skies, but combined with Oblivion's plasma, they could create one of the greatest light shows ever seen. She held the charge on the surface of the water, waiting for Oblivion to join her.
Flicker watched as one of the tendrils of plasma from Oblivion's mane snaked forward to creep across the water. Although plasma was really invisible matter, Oblivion's magic had always been the vivid hue of his mane and tail, visible to the eye. And it was eye-catching. It crept across the water in spirals and curls so beautiful that she was instantly entranced. When it met with her static magic, they intermingled, her golden magic intertwining with his in a manner that felt more intimate than it was.
Suddenly the magic shot upwards, dissipating into the air in the briefest flash of light. Then the skies themselves began to dance, as lightning flickered across the sky in brilliant bolts of light. Their glow illuminated the water and the trees surrounding them with twinkles and hints of daytime colours.
His magic caressed hers as they watched, and he smiled one of his rare smiles as she touched her muzzle to his broad muscled neck. It would have looked romantic to any passersby, but neither had picked a mate and neither seemed to have any intentions of doing so.
"Beautiful," Flicker whispered. Oblivion's plasma curled around the tip of one of her ears and she giggled.
It was then that Galaxy found them, his starry hide an imposing presence at their backs. Something in the stallion had changed; something had woken the wild magic of the Rogue in him. He kept his council with the Rogues, Elementals and Warriors alone these days, with the only exception being the Lady.
He stepped around them, and it was as if his body were surrounded with a silvery nimbus of light. He didn't speak, but instead tossed his head skyward and the night erupted into a cacophony of sound, as thunder began to chase every flash of light. The clouds parted, by some magic, and the stars shone in all their brilliance while the combined electricity of Oblivion's and Flicker's magic still danced in the air.
He faced them and both approached him with something akin to reverence as they each touched noses in turn. And, with that, he was gone again, without a word having passed between them.
"I sense its coming," said Oblivion softly, as if speaking of it would summon it from some void. Flicker merely nodded. Hers was a bright magic; light and airy, yet with a hidden ferocity. The elementals could feel the magic of the others like something dark, pressing and foreboding. The Rogues felt it most of all, and it frightened her.
Oblivion lipped at her forelock to distract her. "Fear not; the Rogues are a powerful lot, and now that Galaxy and Shimmer have come into their true powers, we have no need to be concerned."
She smiled, but did not reply. She buried her trepidation, and enjoyed this simple moment of uncomplicated power with Oblivion by her side.