Serian Sanctuary

Name: Siren
Gender: Female
Parents/Affinity: Sacred Sea
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
She observed them with mild interest as they dashed about, great clods of snow shooting in every which direction from their prancing hooves. These were not her types of games- not that she was snobbish about it, but she preferred games of a more... subtle nature. She still wanted to see who the victor was, although the rules- or lack thereof - confused her. She lay in the snow, her head pillowed by her silky mane which was splayed ever-so-elegantly against a snowy backdrop. She raised her head every so often when one of her bond-sisters or brothers received a snowy mouthful, but other than that she simply enjoyed the feel of the icy cold against her flank.
She shot up quickly enough, however, when I snowball narrowly missed her head. With a sigh, she shook the snowflakes from her mane, ridding herself of most of the powder but still retaining a few glistening crystals as she rose.
"You need to work on your aim," she stated casually, barely perturbed by the near miss.
Blitz paused in his playful diving and tossing to land next to her. He shot her a wink and responded in kind, his voice emanating charm and confidence.
"You should join us Si'. Those pretty hooves could out-dance any of us. Perhaps you should show us how it's done..."
Without pause, she nipped his ear and tossed her mane- one strand hung coyly over her eye as she laughed. Her voice was sultry and smooth, distinctly feminine yet not girlishly so.
"Down, Stallion. You are silver-tongued."
Blitz made as if to respond, but was unceremoniously hit square between the eyes by a snowball.
"That's what you get when you're not paying attention!"
Nip trotted up, laughing loudly. She had definitely won this round- the flirt didn't even have the good sense to watch his back! The mare's brilliantly orange flank was dotted with snow. It was apparent that up until this point, she had been the one who had been taking the hits. Blitz scowled ferociously and flicked Nip in the face with his tail.
"You play dirty. That's cheap," he responded sullenly, his pride momentarily wounded.
"No, I just took notice of an advantageous situation," she responded with a grin. "It's clear that you can out-fly me, as I'm clearly lacking in that department, but I most definitely excel when it comes to winter sports. You should know better than to challenge me!"
Blitz turned to Nip and made as if to protest again but was hit by another clump of snow, squarely on the rump. Siren trotted by him and smiled ever-so-slightly at Nip before turning her head back towards Blitz, her grin playfully mocking.
"My dear sister, it appears that stallions in general are lacking in that department. Perhaps we should pick a game more... suitable? We wouldn't want him to strain himself. He's obviously having a difficult time keeping up..."
"Oho!" Blitz exclaimed, as his glowering expression morphed effortlessly into a smile, "Is that how it's going to be? Well then ladies, you're on! Pick your poison!"