Serian Sanctuary

Name: Sylvansprite
Gender: Female
Parents/Affinity: Unknown
Special Stats: None
Circle: The Phoenix Gate
Mate: Thyme
Offspring: None
For all intensive purposes, there was nothing "wrong" with home. The cottage was the same; secluded, wonderfully tucked away from humanity, quaint, and full of loving presences. But something was still... off. Things were changing, far faster than Sylvansprite would like, and she felt like she was being inexplicably dragged down by the all of the adjustments. She yearned for simplicity, the wind in her mane and the earth under her hooves. She wanted quiet- not the oppressive silence that seemed to go hand in hand with something forbodding, but the barest and gentlest of sounds, like a gallop at midnight with nothing but the owls to keep her company. Or the soft cooing of the birds in the trees at sunset while she made her way through stand after stand of trees.
The Rogues had just... left... one afternoon, as if summoned by some mysterious force. The cottage had been abuzz with speculation. Her Lady had not seemed phased by their disappearance. She, more than anyone, understood their nature, and knew that they would return when the time was right. The more motherly members of the herd fussed over their well-being. The less even-tempered Serians ranted about how inconsiderate they were, and worried over them in private. The stir they had caused at the cottage was enough to set off the gentle mare. She wasn't too keen on change, dissension... anything that disrupted the careful calm she had created around herself and in this realm. She didn't see the necessity in worrying- if the Lady had been distressed, she would have had cause for concern. But Shimmer and Galaxy had always been enigmas; she didn't think much of it, if truth be told.
It was more than that though. The very air seemed to thrum with energy, so much so that it set her skin on edge and incited that fight or flight (primarily flight) instinct of hers. There was no imminent danger, not that she could see at least, just something... else. She couldn't quite put her hoof on it, and the Lady wasn't sharing, not yet at least.
While the world unfolded around her, she looked for an escape. Her mind wandered back to times where she had been most serene, and on a whim she let her memories guide her as she galloped out of the valley and deeper into the wooded outskirts. She wasn't afraid, she had no need to be. While the forest was an unknown to most, there had always been this sense of familiarity and warmth every time she set foot into its depths.
She let herself feel the forest's gentle pulse; she inhaled the fresh earthy smells and smiled softly at the sensation of the earth giving way under her hooves. The wind was gentle, and the sun trickled in through the dense canopy, casting highlights and shimmers on her mane and wings. She flicked her tail lazily and blinked heavily. She felt sedated, fulfilled. Only one thing was missing...
Her thoughts drifted back to a time, not so long ago, where she had met a stallion who's instincts and mind were similar to her own. There was something in her very soul that called to him. It was inexplicable and intricate, a beautiful connection that she would have loved to explore more. But she had let herself be driven by simple fear. What if she wasn't enough? She had always been plagued by niggling self-doubt, it was one of her major flaws. He had been majestic, the very embodiment of the woods. He was most definitely a kindred spirit, but next to him she felt like a child that still required teaching. She didn't balk at learning new things, it wasn't that. She was just... intimidated, and she felt decidedly unworthy next to his near-elemental instincts. And yet, he had nuzzled her and settled down with her in the tall grass, his affection evident. She had wrapped his closeness around her like a safety blanket, and basked in his warmth. It had been but a moment, but it had meant more to her than she had originally realized.
She hadn't realized that she was standing still, daydreaming in place, oblivious even to the small field mouse that skittered across her path. She sighed, but paused mid exhale as she heard a similar noise not too far off.
She edged forward out of natural timidness, her ears flicking idly as she strained to pinpoint the source of the noise. She started to weave her way through the trees and underbrush until she came across a familiar Serian, grazing quietly. Her eyes lit up with surprise and warmth, and she surprised herself by feeling the heat hit her nose in a dainty blush. She had paused in the treeline- thank goodness he hadn't seen her in such a state. How embarrassing!
She gathered her courage and trotted softly up beside him until they were flank to flank. She smiled gently, her head tilted ever so slightly as she spoke; her voice was as light and musical as the songbirds, or so she had been told.
"It has been too long, dear friend," she said, as she dipped her head to graze nearest to him. What must he be thinking? Hopefully he hadn't thought she had been avoiding him. He seemed much too sensible for that. None the less, she still feared that he might somehow be angry with her. Or had she imagined a connection between them after all? Perhaps their recent distance had been enough, and her careful use of the word "friend" was actually entirely accurate.
She tried not to fret, and instead just focused on him, on being near him and enjoying the warmth of the late summer sun.