Serian Sanctuary

Instinctively, she knew that there was someone, or something, in her valley. Calmly, the Lady decided to go investigate. Silently, she crossed the valley floor, her feet padding lightly on the soft grass. She heard a crunch in the distance, almost as if something heavy had stepped on some dry underbrush. She paused in mid-step. Nothing. Then she heard a quiet snort in the trees directly ahead of her. It sounded almost equine in nature. She realized then that she was holding her breath. She snuck forward cautiously and stopped when she got closer to the grouping of trees that she heard the noise in. She parted the branches and gasped in delight...
Never before had she seen a Serian of its like. He was power incarnate. He regarded Talia with an imperialistic stare, daring her to move any closer. Suddenly his gaze dropped, and he didn't look nearly as ferocious as he had before. He whickered an entreaty. A voice rang out unexpectedly.
"Help me."
Talia looked around frantically, unsure of what the Serian needed. She felt a strange sensation-the power of the beast's plea overwhelmed her. The need to help him was too great to ignore. Just as she was becoming more and more desperate, he spoke to her again, more urgently.
"You'll not find what I need by looking with your eyes, human child. It's a pain I've never known before. This feeling of utter despair. I have no one to share life and laughter with. What is this thing that is afflicting me thus?" Talia stepped closer and lightly brushed his nose.
"It's called loneliness."
"Ah," he sighed. "Can it be remedied?"
"It most certainly can," she replied, now completely reassured. "How is it that you are not familiar with that feeling?"
"I've always grown up with others of my kind. I've never allowed myself to be separated from the ones I love. Except just once." A tear slid down one dark colored cheek. "I'm afraid. I tried so hard to save them, but there's only one of me, and there were so many of them. My friends were taken and I was alone. I would have fought until the end, but I could not bear the pain in my friends eyes. They would not have wanted me to leave this world in such a way."
"They would have been proud. You were brave." Talia responded, stroking his silken nose. "We will fix the situation of you not having any companions though. Come with me. We'll find others for you to be with. You can make your friends proud."
"Proud? Oh yes...another human feeling. I suppose," he said, snorting warily. "Not all humans are as personable as you. If I had not been so desperate to rid myself of the "loneliness" I likely would have trampled you. Humans are not creatures that I wish to be associated with, but you have helped me fill that empty void of loneliness. I am indebted to you." He inclined his head solemnly. Talia laughed warmly.
"Good to know that I could have been pulverized. As to being indebted...well I would hope that you would not feel obligated to travel with me. You do, after all, need a companion, and I am most willing to be yours without any strings attached." He whinnied happily.
"Then it's settled," he said diplomatically. "Err....human, do you have a name? Something I may call you by?"
"Talia will suffice. And you?"
"Bridle. A proper Serian name." As they walked away into the forest, Bridle shook his head knowingly. "Hrumph. Talia... what kind of name is that? These humans are a strange lot..."
Name: Bridle
Gender: Male
Parents/Affinity: Deep Shadows
Special Stats: None
Circle: Circle of the Celestial Song
Offspring: SilverRain