Serian Sanctuary

Name: Rubyglimmer
Gender: Female
Parents/Affinity: Rosegold x Malevolence
Siblings: Truth's Throne, Sirensong
Special Stats: Unique (Dog Tail)
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Ruby had always been very different from her siblings. Sirensong was a shy, peaceful beauty that could bring you to your knees with a few melodious notes; Ruby had a feminine voice that was kind on the ears, like the chiming of bells, but it did not have the same hypnotic quality of her sister's songbird-esque tones.
Where her sister was innocence, her brother was almost the opposite. He was overly exuberant, and it was catching. He was determined to be everyone's hero. Even his name stood for what he believed in-justice, truth, wisdom. It was sweet, in the naive way that childish dreams often were. But Ruby did admire the goodness in his heart, and she knew that her own perception of his naivete was because she was most definitely jaded.
Ruby was what one would consider vain, although her vanity wasn't snobbish. She never thought lesser of anyone for being greater than she was, or for having more than she did. She liked to be pretty. She fawned over sparkly, shimmery items, and bedecked herself in them. She knew that it was due, in part, to her feeling vastly outclassed by her fellow Serians. Ruby kept company with some of the most beautiful mares in the valley and beyond, and she always felt like a lesser Serian in their presence.
It was her own self doubt that kept her from seeing her own inner beauty, which was worth far more than all the trinkets and jewelry in the realm.