Serian Sanctuary

Name: Coral
Gender: Female
Parents/Affinity: Sacred Sea
Special Stats: None
Circle: Circle of the Celestial Song
Mate: Bridle
Offspring: None
Coral snugged up against Bridle. She still couldn't get over just how perfectly her face fit into the curvature of his neck. She sighed happily, and he nuzzled her in return, enjoying the brief moment of silence between them. It wasn't often that they had time to themselves. Talia's lands were full to the brim with new-come Serians, and it rarely was quiet. It seemed like a lifetime ago that Bridle had bonded with Talia, thus bringing with him a new family; sister-mates Vapor and Coral. Vapor and Bridle had been lucky enough to have a foal- SilverRain. Coral adored him as she would one of her own, yet she still wistfully wished for foals.
She had been gone so long, bonded to another. When she was abandoned, it seemed almost natural for her to have come to Talia. The family welcomed her with open arms, and she finally felt whole again, surrounded by good friends and family.
She smiled gently again at her mate. Even now, even feeling as old as she felt somedays, she always felt young around him, just like the filly he had first encountered in the fields. He grinned back and lipped at her forelock; her heart fluttered again for a moment, just like it always did when he gave her that same disarming grin. It was true- she was a fool in love.
At least now she knew that no distance could ever separate them again. This was where she was meant to be. This was...