Serian Sanctuary

Name: Dash
Gender: Female
Parents/Affinity: Arctic Winds
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Dash had always been the type of mare that was a bit too abrasive with her words, and a bit too forthcoming with her thoughts. If you wanted simple truths, Dash would surely give them to you. Her speech was as unadorned as she was. She was by no means an unattractive mare; her coat hid the most subtle streaks of silver that only really became apparent when one looked closely. One could say that her subtle beauty was the only thing that was subtle about her, but that was what made her unique among her Serian peers.
The rest of her "family" were a mix of personalities; gallant, prideful, kind and shy. But few had the ability to speak plainly in a way in which held meaning. While she didn't mince words, she often found that the others would look to her for advice, or honesty when it couldn't be found elsewhere. While they might not always like what she told them, they accepted it as a valued part of her personality. Her words could often be cutting, as brutal as a cold, sharp wind, but they held weight and importance.
She seemed to fill a void that the others hadn't known existed- she was a strict parental figure, yet oddly nurturing. She settled quarrels with her straightforward assessments. And yet she never hesitated to let loose at the end of the day with the others, indulging in a race across the fields (and yes, she was as fast as her name implied!)