Serian Sanctuary

Name: Shimmer
Gender: Female
Parents/Affinity: Celestial Light
Special Stats: Rogue
Circle: The Shining Sea
Mate: Sunspot
Offspring: Shadowstar and Sunsparkle
Shimmer was rolling about in the fields, enjoying the feeling of the grass against her beautiful golden star-spangled coat. Silver eyes watched her curiously from a distance as Galaxy paused occasionally to survey the darkening sky, searching for the first few stars of the night. In the little bit of time that he had become acquainted with Shimmer, he had become a bit wiser, and he thought he had found a certain amount of inner peace and confidence that he didn’t know he had. She had that effect on people. She was friendly, but rarely said much unless it was of some consequence, a rather Rogue-like trait. She had a respect for life, and harbored this inner well of joy that would spontaneously make her act like a filly. She, like most abandons (and himself) had little to no memory of her previous bond, but she did not dwell on it. The past was just that- the past, and he admired her for it. She was, however, curiously disconnected from her surroundings sometimes, an ethereal presence in their little family grouping. Yet her overwhelming confidence instantly made her attractive to the others, although he knew that she cared for few others romantically aside from Sunspot, and that in and of itself was a rarity. She did, however, seem to take it upon herself to educate him in all things Rogue, as if he were some unusual specimen of such. He knew that he had been influenced by his bond-mates, and had matured with a rather odd perception of things, which was different from most Rogues apparently, or so he had been told.
He tossed his head, sending his long streaked mane flying into the wind. He had begun to take notice of his own physical strength in a way in which he never had before; the way his muscles shifted and recoiled during a gallop, or the way he could easily body-check Silver in a tussle. Shimmer had pointed it out to him- she was a diminutive mare, but he knew that she easily had the ability to pinion even the largest stallion in their group, not that she would. It was apparently part of the Rogue strength. She had also started to tutor him in certain magical abilities, which, again, he had been previously unaware of. He continued to regard her with interest. How she knew all this information was beyond him; it was clear, at least, that she was very in tune with her nature.
Shimmer, instinctively feeling the gaze of someone at her back, flipped over to regard Galaxy. Without hesitating, she trotted over to his side to stand and watch the horizon as well, her golden eyes unmoving as she spoke.
“You are thinking of her,” she stated simply.
Galaxy shifted slightly, betraying his slight unease with the mare’s uncanny ability to know where his thoughts were straying. Problem was, she was right... in some respects.
“Perhaps,” he said mildly, attempting to appear nonchalant, something that Shimmer found immensely amusing.
The two did not continue to discuss the issue, but instead enjoyed the creeping comfort of the night and the relative solitude that it provided before guests arrived.