Serian Sanctuary

Name: Argentflash
Gender: Female
Parents/Affinity: Hurricane x Stardancer
Siblings: Verdant Sky and NimbusBlaze
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: Ripple
Offspring: None
The mare seemed a bold Serian, but in all actuality, she had inherited quite a few of her father’s insecurities it seemed. She was nimble footed, graceful like her mother, but she had a lightning quick wit and a temper that could best the most frightening of beasts when she was aggravated. However, for one that seemed so sure of herself, she was troubled. She worried after her family, and often felt a distinct lack of control over her circumstances. She wasn’t the type of Serian to agonize over being abandoned, but she was the type to worry about how it would change others that she cared about, namely her parents and siblings. Surely they must all have new homes by now, with bondeds that cherished them just as much as hers did?
It had been what felt like decades since she had last seen either of her parents or any of her siblings. She sighed aloud at the thought and rustled her wings idly as the breeze slid gently across them. She could feel her mate stir in response, and his large feathered wings surrounded her in a protective embrace. He had been a near-perfect companion to her; he didn’t coddle her or try to play the chivalrous knight at the first sign of distress. He understood that she was perfectly capable of doing things on her own, without assistance. Instead, he was always there to lend her an ear, and to provide comfort when it was wanted. In such a short span of time, he had come to understand her in a way that no other could, with the exception of Talia. She could feel his indigo mane brush lightly against her cheek and she smiled, despite herself. Even with her eyes closed, she could identify his presence and his touch.
Ripple’s deep bass voice filtered smoothly across the air, his tone indicating slight concern and curiosity.
“Is something troubling you?”
A stallion of few words, but just knowing that he was thinking of her was enough to bring a smile to her face and soothe any cares she might have.
“I’m just thinking of my family. What they’re doing, and how they are getting along. Are they happy? Have they had the same lives as us? Or can only a few be so lucky?”
He chuckled quietly before giving her a quick nuzzle, feather light along the arch of her neck.
“I doubt that they are as happy as us- that may be difficult to achieve,” he said with a light laugh, “but I’m sure most are doing well. No need to fret. We’ll find them all soon enough I’m sure.”
She nodded- no reply was necessary. She sniffed the air briefly- rain, a storm perhaps. She could feel the growing electricity pass over her body like a prickly aura. Definitely a storm.
“The storm is almost on us. Should we leave?” she asked, knowing full well his answer.
“Why? We’ve danced in the rain before,” he responded, his voice completely relaxed and unperturbed.
She laughed then, and the sound was clear, strong and vibrant.
“So be it,” she said with a smile, as the first sheet of rain began to fall on them, drenching their manes and tails in a cool, refreshing cascade.