Serian Sanctuary

Name: Spire
Gender: Male
Parents/Affinity: Silent Song
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
She met him at the entrance to the valley, the pendant at her neck shining with a soft pulsating glow that was so distinctly alien in these surroundings. Amethyst eyes gave him an appraising look, a quick and almost dismissive once-over that almost gave him pause with its blatant rudeness.
"You're not as threatening as I was told you were," Orchidblush said, her tone dry and unimpressed.
Spire's expression maintained that careful neutrality that had become so second nature to him. His ability to appear almost emotionless had saved him numerous times in the past. He had practiced keeping his intent hidden from friends and foes alike; it was both a blessing and a curse.
He pinned her to the spot with intense sapphire eyes, while his mane whipped around his neck and face in frosted and turquoise ethereal tendrils. He looked almost ghost-like and slightly sinister. Orchid shivered, despite herself. She knew that those of the Silent Song walked both the physical and spirit realms, and Spire was the embodiment of that. His was an unearthly, dangerous beauty. She suddenly understood Talia's warning, and her reasoning behind asking her to come to meet Spire before he approached the cottage.
He smiled, and she wasn't sure if he meant it to be disarming or more of a promise of things to come.
"Sometimes, the ones that hide in plain sight are the most dangerous," he replied softly. His voice was a low masculine rumble that somehow managed to sound both cold and unforgiving, yet pleasant to the ears at the same time. She had no idea how he achieved both, but she was impressed and terrified at the same time. She cleared her throat then, a nervous habit. He flashed her another smile, and this time he somehow managed to appear charming. This one was a Serian of many faces.
"Talia mentioned that your memories were most terrible," she stated, quietly. "I can eat them for you if you'd like. Well, not me specifically, but this," she said, touching the pendant on her neck lightly with her nose.
He started, and surprise clouded his features. It was the first genuine and unpracticed expression she had seen from him. He quickly mastered it, and replaced it with a mask of arrogance; his face was now completely closed off, and unreadable.
"One cannot simply remove that which makes them whole," he replied, his voice clipped. "I will keep my memories, and my own council, as well as the voices of the others in my Altar." He paused, and his features softened slightly. "I will thank the Lady for her concern, but it is unnecessary. I know you also come here at her request, so my apologies for my untoward behaviour."
Orchid smiled then. This one could learn, but she was sad that he was insistent on keeping his own secrets. Some day she would have to pry them out of him.
"You are forgiven. We will be together soon, at the cottage, and I will not hold it against you," she said warmly.
A ghost of a smile chased across his features, and he dipped his head in acknowledgement. "I have no doubt you already know my name, but I have yet to know yours."
She blushed, despite herself, and dipped her head in an almost bashful gesture. What was it about this stallion's mannerisms that confused her so?
"Orchidblush, but Orchid will suffice," she said, while peering up at him.
"Hmm, a fitting name. Blushing suits you," he added with a deep bass chuckle. He paused, as if listening to something, and shook his head to clear his thoughts. Mentally, he built his shields, surrounding and protecting himself from the whispers of the others that invaded his thoughts. He held them at length, in an oddly tender manner. It wasn't their fault; it had taken him quite some time to practice the art of quieting the others in his head. The others of his Altar would undoubtedly come up with their own ways of doing the same.
"Well, onward Orchid. Show me my new home," he said, his voice and face back to that very ordinary expression that she had seen earlier.
She nodded and trotted down into the valley, with Spire following her like a imposing presence at her back.