Serian Sanctuary

Name: SilverRain
Gender: Male
Parents/Affinity: Bridle x Vapor
Special Stats: None
Circle: Circle of the Violet Sunrise
Mate: Tinsel
Offspring: None
SilverRain was a gorgeous foal-much like his parents. He had inherited his mothers horns and coat patterns, and his father's wings, colouration and mismatched hooves. He had both of their attitudes, and could be very courteous in one breath but aggressive and egocentric in another. He had flashing green eyes, and a penetrating and very intimidating stare, and although he was very young, his body was already muscled and powerful. His wings were his crowning glory, his pride. He was determined to learn how to fly.
Bridle and Vapour had insisted that SilverRain meet Vapour's "nephew". He and Chaos Flame instantly clashed, for their personalities were so much alike. They had bickered and argued and even fought to a certain extent, their egos flaring in a display of extreme masculinity. After a few days of continual interacting, a unique game made by Chaos (which offered some friendly competition) and a bit of growing up, they bonded and their friendship grew.
SilverRain was surprised by his adult appearance. He had never expected to look so different, or so strong. He had definitely inherited both of his parents good looks. His muscles rippled under a light grey coat, and his newly lengthened wings rustled and swayed in the breeze. He was eager to fly. While he was at the river, Chaos approached. He was equally as shocked when he saw Chaos, for he had changed a great deal as well. The biggest shock of all was what Chaos brought with him- a beautiful mare, named Tinsel. Chaos had given him a gift that no one could ever compete with-he had given him love. He hoped that someday he could repay the favour.
Tinsel was a shy skittish mare, but she instantly captured SilverRain's heart. He warmed to her kindness and gentle nature, and was angered by how she had been hurt in the past. He didn't understand how anyone could not accept the young mare. She was so beautiful, both on the outside and in, and for reasons unknown, other Serians instantly disliked her (supposedly because they were jealous of her rare gift-special wings). He didn't see why such a rare gift would be shunned, and resolved to break through her iron wall and fortified defenses, and to get her to realize that it was alright to let another into her life. He didn't mean her any harm.
She was quiet, but he sensed something in her, and hoped that she felt the same way about him as he did about her. Taking a chance, he displayed his affection. He was shaking in fear and nervousness, and was acutely aware of her every movement and response. She was shocked at first, and questioned his actions. He feared the worst, and was reluctant to explain himself, but finally decided that the truth would be what would set him free. Then all was revealed in a burst of speech, entreating her to believe him...
He proclaimed that he cared about her, and was waiting for a rejection. He was as nervous as a foal, for he had never experienced anything like this-it was all new to him. When she agreed and told of her love in kind he was overjoyed. She was, and would always be his. They stated to each other to be mates, and to form a new Circle. With the promise fresh in his mind, he nuzzled her and pulled her close, promising himself that he would always care for her, and always protect her and shelter her from whatever may go amiss in the world. She was the best thing in his life.
Eager to show her off to his parents and to tell Chaos of the development that he had precipitated, they left the bank of the river and went in search of them.