Serian Sanctuary
Obsidian Dusk

Name: Obsidian Dusk
Gender: Male
Parents/Affinity: 2nd Gen, parents unknown
Siblings: Sacred Dawn
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
As the sun began its slow descent, sinking lazily into the horizon, Dusk began to rouse himself from sleep. While he wasn't truly nocturnal, he had always preferred the twilit hours, or the deepest dark of the night. He was a creature of shadows, not in a sinister sense, but much as his sister thrived most in the brightest light of day, he felt most at home in the absence of light.
He and his sister were closer than most siblings, near inseparable in fact. Which was odd considering their distinctly opposing personalities and appearances. She seemed to embody all that was good. Her coat was a shimmering white, with golden bands that winked in the sunlight. He was obsidian smoke, with sinister looking spike cuffs. She was a creature of justice, while he lived for chaos and relative disorder. They were essentially ying and yang, and while most would think that they would have a strong dislike for the other, they seemed to be unable to abide without their other half. Despite his knack for finding trouble, Dusk would never let any harm come to Dawn. They were all that the other had left in this world, short of their bonded individuals.
He knew very little about his parents and their origins. Their faces had long since faded from his memory. While he was occasionally curious about them, they didn't consume his thoughts. He had learned long ago how to live without them, therefore they were no longer important. And because he had forgotten them, he no longer felt invested in them emotionally.
He flexed his wings and stood, taking in the picturesque landscape one more time before the darkness consumed the valley below. His sister would be turning in shortly, no doubt; perhaps he could catch sight of her before the late afternoon sun was obscured by the true dark of the evening.